Khayal Productions has been around for more than five years, working on multiple projects from different preferences and strengthening the company’s position in the local industry.
Over the past few years, our team noticed a lack of basic tools that filmmakers anywhere else would typically have access to, not a surprise considering the past forty years of Libya’s history.
We sought to build a community for filmmakers and started the “Libyan Film Society” tailored to filmmakers’ needs, such as screenings and post discussions. But Libya’s filmmaking industry wasn’t only lacking a networking platform, there was an even greater lack of actual content. Libya, the third biggest African country and the home of ‘The Great Sahara’ had no available online content for any professionals, creatives or filmmakers to use in their productions.
From there came the idea of the “Khayal Productions Shop”, a place where filmmakers and creatives alike can access high-quality cinematic footage & music out of Libya. The North African country has never been more accessible to filmmakers: Libyans and foreigners alike.
Khayal has had the experience and pleasure of supplying many customers in the past few years with high-quality footage from Libya and it was the natural progression that Khayal takes the lead in creating the sole source of stock footage of Libya.
Khayal’s Online Shop will strive to provide only the most authentic, high-quality content for all of your Libya-related production needs, and we’re equally excited to be the first and only platform to provide authentic Libyan music for film and video productions.
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